Wednesday, February 18, 2009

my course

Today I going to share with you guys about my courses that I studying currently… For this semester, I took 7 papers, 4 is major paper, other 3 is university paper… First up is IUK291, is a calculus paper, which I find It quite difficult, study things like double integration, 3D things, last time we plot graph only x and y axis, but now is x, y and z axis… And also double differentiation, first I find this paper quite tough as I always skip class early this semester, but later on, out of the 4 major paper, this is 1 of the easiest… Maybe I like mathematics, haha…

My other 3 major paper is IEK105, IEG102 and IEK 108. IEK 105 is about scheduled waste management, more like how our country manage the rubbish, how the truck should go, how many time per day, design the road for the truck to go and so on… I find this course quite interesting also, cause today I just went an interview with the person in charge of the whole usm waste management. We ask him many questions, for example like, USM generates average 9 ton of dry waste everyday, that’s a lot to me… And many other interesting stories to learn about, so, don’t look down on this rubbish or waste, there is a lot knowledge behind it… Next is IEG102 and IEK108, this 2 paper for me is the most boring, IEG102 is something like bio + chemistry, learn about environmental things, I guess is not the course boring, is cause of the lecturer, Dr Anees from India, we could not really understand his language at first, but now already is too late, we dislike him at all… Next is IEK105, this is more like physics paper, but this is a terrible paper, from start of the semester till now, I can say don’t understand a thing at all, imagine in 1 day we can learn about 30 new equation with a lot of new symbols and don’t know what they symbolic about, and out of the 30 new equation, there’s only 1 example, how are we suppose to survive? God bless me, haha.

For this semester, I took English, ethnic relations and a CHINESE paper, haha… English is normal, but of course Pn presanna is still the best, we got a lot of things to do, presentation and so on, the lecturer quite ok but I don’t understand why my classmates so scared of her… Ethnic relation about Malaysian culture, nothing much, no need to go to lecture cause this paper took by more than 1000+ students I guess. Just read the news and finish up the coursework will do. Next, CHINESE, haha, a new subject for me, till now, I still can cope, but sometime cannot remember this word represent what, will easily forget, but I will my best as this paper is 1 of the easiest to score an A.

Alright, this is what I m going to share today, I guess this blog shall be more interesting compare to the previous want. Hehe.. Have fun enjoy… ^-^v

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